Questions and Answers

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  • Invoicing

    On shipping the invoice is issued, it includes transport costs; any V.A.T. number or fiscal code must be communicated on ordering.

    The Customer Service

    The Purpose? That one to offer you all experience of ours of 3 generations, in order to help you to make your buy as well as you can. You can contact us writing us an email at the following address, sending us a fax to +39.85.23031140 or calling +39.329.2736832 (Mr. Mauro Campi) or +39.85.95449 (Office) from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 19:00.

    Which Shipping Way is Available ?

    FORWARDING AGENT: used specially for sending bulky material (like combined machines, planing machines, band saws, etc …). The cost of such type of shipping can be seen looking through this page far down.

    EXPRESS FORWARDING AGENT: used for compact goods (tools, electric tools, cutting-off machines, spare parts, accessories, etc …).

    AT CUSTOMER’S CARE: if you want, you can also pick up the ordered goods personally, coming at our seat in Citta’ S.Angelo (PE) Italy, and pay on picking up according to what established on ordering.

    Which are Delivery Times of a Product ?

    A product that is ready in store is delivered by forwarding agent within 24/48 hours, barring forwarding agent’s accident (Saturday and Sunday excluded).

    After receiving the confirmation for the order you sent to us, we’ll send you an email informing you even about delivery time of goods (not binding).

    Is it Possible to Receive the Ordered Goods in a Different Address than that one Indicated for Invoicing?

    If the address for goods delivery is different from that one for invoicing, it’s enough to mention it in your order.


    The warranty on machines is 24 months from the delivery date.
    The warranty is limited to the replacement of the pieces resulting defective for bad quality of materials or for defects of construction.
    The components to be replaced will be returned to you free your factory.
    Manpower services and the travels concerning warranty service aren’t included in the warranty, we fix them in advance in Euro 34,00/hour (besides the V.A.T.) per technicien, except the costs of board and lodging and travelling expenses.
    All the parts or accessories bought from outside parties and mounted on machines, enjoy warranty terms that aren’t more than those ones recognized by the relative supplier.
    The warranty doesn’t extend to the failures depending on the natural wear of machines, on the improper feeding of the unit by materials that are different than those ones specified in offer, on buyer’s negligence, if modifications are made or damages are caused tampering machines.
    Electric components are excluded from any warranty except for obvious defects of manufacture.

    Defective Products

    As to replacement of defective products, it will be possible if they are given back within 10 days from the date of delivery.
    The same for those ones sent by mistake, that must be complete in all parts of them, complete and sealed packet.
    Shipping costs for goods replacement are free.
    Damages for bad use aren’t guaranteed.
    Replacement process can require that the Customer deals directly with the Producer/Distributor or Authorized Customer Service.
    In no case we can accept parcels cash on delivery and/or opened parcels.


    Special offers are subject to availability. Errors and omissions must be accepted. Offers, discounts or gifts aren’t accumulable.


    All prices are to be intended V.A.T. Excluded, in Euro. The presente price-list annuls and replaces the previous ones. Promotions aren’t accumulable. Prices are subject to changes.


    Payment on account 50% at the order by credit transfer.
    The settlement by credit transfer at the moment of our notice of ready machine.


    Remember that deliveries are made by carriers at road level. Without opposite directions, the seller has the faculty to make partial deliveries, agreed that an only debit for transport costs. Orders for products that are ready in store are shipped within 24 hours.

    Assembly and Testing

    This service, made on customer’s request, includes the assembling of machines at customer’s, the relative test and an introduction to their use. On request, we can send our offer.
    And it’s composed by the following rates:

    A) TRAVELLING EXPENSES composed by:
    Refund of travelling hours at Euro 27,00 each one
    Refund per km. at Euro 0,5/km
    Refund of other means at the foot of the list

    B) BOARD AND LODGING EXPENSES Refund at the foot of the list

    C) MANPOWER Euro 54,00/hour

    D) OVERTIME Euro 67,00/hour


    N.W.: overtime is to be intended:
    That one given in the days of Saturday, Sunday and midweek holidays
    That one given in night hours.
    That one exceeding 8 daily hours

    Force Majeure

    In case of force majeure or casual case, we’ll not be responsible for the customer for the delay or the nondelivery and will have the faculty to annull in all or partially the contract or susped or postpone its execution.

    Right of Withdrawal

    According to the D.lg. 22.5.1999, n. 185, the consumer who – for any reason – doesn’t consider himself satisfied of the buy, has the right to withdraw from the drawn up contract, within the term of 10 working days starting: as per goods from their receipt day, for services from the day of online contract settlement, with no penalty and without specifying the reason.
    The withdrawal will have to be expressed through the mailing – within the aforesaid term of 10 days – of a registered letter with return receipt to the following address: MakXilia s.r.l. – Via Lungofino n.187 – 65013 Citta’ Sant’Angelo (PE) – Italy.
    Within the same term a telegram or a fax can be sent to +39.85.23031140, to which the above-mentioned registered letter with return receipt will have to follow within 48 hours, as confirmation of the expressed withdrawal.
    Within the aforesaid term of 10 days all bought goods will have to be given back by the consumer, complete and in their original packet and any manual, without any lack.
    Return costs will have to be paid by the consumer himself, while at fault the withdrawal will become ineffective.
    Should the fulfilment of the above be safe, MakXilia Srl will see to the repayment of the whole amount paid by the consumer, within the term of 30 days starting from the shipping date of goods by the customer, and the consumer will take care of giving in good time the bank coordinates where he will have the payment by credit transfer (IBAN + SWIFT/Bic codes, Current account of the invoice holder).

    Specifications and conditions to exercise the right of withdrawal:

    – The right is applied to the product bought in its entirety; it isn’t possible to exercise withdrawal only on part of the bought product (f.e.: accessories, etc …);

    – The bought goods will have to be complete and given back in the originale packing, complete in all parts of its (any document and accessory equipment included: manuals, cables, etc…); – in accordance with the law, shipping costs must be paid by the customer;

    – The shipping, until the receipt of the goods at us, is on customer’s complete responsibility;

    – In case of damage of the goods during transport, MakXilia srl will inform the customer about the event (within the working day after the receipt of the goods), in order to allow him to file a charge in good time against the forwarding agent chosen by him and obtain the refund of the value of the goods (if assured); in this event, the product will be given back, with shipping costs paid by the customer, at the same time of the cancellation of the request of withdrawal;

    – MakXilia srl isn’t responsible in any case for damage or theft/loss of goods given back through not assured shippings;

    – At its arrival at MakXilia srl, the product will be checked in order to evaluate any damage and/or tampering not deriving from the transport. If the original internal/external packing appears opened and/or spoiled, MakXilia srl will see for deducting a minimum 20% percentage of the same from the due refund, as contribution to goods restoration costs.

    – Should be safe any restoration cost for assessed damages to the original packing, MakXilia srl will arrange for repaying the customer the total already paid amount, within 30 days from the shipping date of the return of the goods. The customer will take care to give in good time the bank coordinates where he receive the credit transfer (IBAN + SWIFT/Bic codes – Current account of the invoice holder).

    The right of withdrawal is completely losen for lack of the fundamental condition of integrity of the goods (packing and/or its content), when MakXilia srl ascertains:

    – The lack of the original internal/external packing;

    – The lack of integral elements of the product (accessories, cables, manuals, parts, etc…);

    – The damaging of the product for different reasons than its transport;

    – In case of decadence of the right of withdrawal, Makxilia srl will arrange for giving back the sender the bought goods, charging shipping costs to the same.


    For any controversy the Court of Pescara (Italy) is competent.


    Dear User, we would inform you that your personal data – collected directly at you – will never given or distributed to a third party but used in the full respect of the basic principles of the directive 95/46/CE and the D.Lgs. 30 June 2003 N.196 for the protection of personal data.

    Hereafter, we sum up all the operations carried out by us that involve raising, conservation or processing of your personal data, and the purposes we pursue by each one of them: – raising and conservation of your personal data with the object of sending commercial informative notes by email; – internal processing of the personal data supplied by you with the object of establishing your commercial profile; – use of your commercial profile for marketing and promotional purposes of your interest

    The treatment will happen by fully automated formalities. Our company – through the system of data treatment – assures and warrants that the treated information don’t include subjects referring to sensible data according to the art. 95/46/CE and the D.Lgs. 30 June 2003 N.196. Therefore, each treatment – that can refer directly or indirectly to sensible data – will be excluded beforehand.

    The conferment of your data is optional. However, in case of refusal of the consent for the mentioned purposes, it will be absolutely impossible for us to give you the information services which the consent is asked for, including the registration on this site.

    The holder of the treatment is the holder company of this site of electronic commerce. The executives and the persons employed in the management of database are responsible of the treatment of personal data, according to the respective field of competence.

    Furthermore we inform you that each interested party can exert the right according to the art.7 of the D.Lgs. 30 june 2003 N.196, that we sum up hereafter (Right of access to personal data and other rights):

    – The interested party has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data that refer to him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in comprehensible form. – The interested party has the right to obtain the piece of information of: the origin of personal data; the purposes and formalities of treatment; the logic applied in case of treatment made by electronic means; the identification details of the holder, of responsible and of the appointed representative according to the art. 5, paragraph 2; the subjets or the categories of subjets to whom personal data can be communicated or who can get to know them as appointed representative in the State territory, or as responsible or persons in charge.

    – The interested party has the right to obtain: the updating, the rectification or – when he has interest in it – the integration of data; the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous form or the freeze of the data treated in violation of a law, including those ones whose conservation isn’t required according to the purposes for which data were collected or successively treated; the declaration that the operations referring to the letters a) and b) were brought at knowledge – even for what refers to their content – of those to whom data were communicated or diffused, except the case when such fulfilment proves impossible or involves a clearly disproportionate use of means as to the protected right. – The interested party has the right to oppose, in all or in part: for legitimate reasons to the treatment of personal data that refer to him, though pertaining to the purpose of the raising; to the treatment of personal data that refer to him for purpose of sending advertising material or material of direct sale or for market searches or commercial communication.

    How Contact Us ?

    By Mail:
    MakXilia – S.r.l.
    Via Etiopia, 2/B
    65015 Montesilvano (PE) – Italy

    By Phone:
    +39.329.2736832 (Mr. Mauro Campi, Sales)
    Call from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 19:00


    By E-Mail: – Technical Advices – Customer Service

    Our Data

    MakXilia S.r.l.
    Via Etiopia, 2/B
    65015 Montesilvano (PE) – Italy
    VAT number: IT 01649610688
    Regitration at CCIAA Pescara (Rea): n.117954

  • Ask For Assistance . . .

    If you have still doubts or particular questions for us, call us without problems at the following numbers:

    • +39.85.95449
    • +39.85.9508153
    • +39.329.2736832 (Mauro Campi)

    Or write to us at the following e-mail address:

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